이 블로그 검색

2010년 10월 14일 목요일

SEO; best way of marketing

First of all, definition of SEO is making web site to be ranked on the top side when it was searched. In other words, when people search by search engine, it means technique which can show specific website on the top of the web site page. This kind of technique is usually called a kind of marketing method which is really effective in current society. SEO web marketing technique was used at the middle of 1990 first time when searching engine registered web. The reason is that many people started to use internet especially searching engine. Thus, most of companies realized that marketing in web site (searching engine) is so important. Another purpose of this technique is running effective marketing on managing users who are highly interested in our contents.

Second, there are some simple ways to realize SEO technique easily. First one is getting hold of keyword that user normally to use. Thus, we can enumerate our contents in searching engine easily. Another method of SEO is making link as many as we can. As a result, statistically, people can access our contents and web site easily.

 Most of people tend to access first or second web site when they search something by searching engine. This phenomenon shows us how SEO is important to companies which want to advertise their contents. Furthermore, the more people see our contents in many web sites; we can give image of our contents or products to people easily. Thus, SEO is one of the best marketing techniques and it has to be used efficiently to succeed.

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